How Salt Can Keep You Safe

Sodium Chloride (salt) is a major player in walkway safety. The Ice and snow build-up can cause dangerous safety conditions to your foot traffic area when it goes unchecked. Tens of thousands of Canadians slip on ice each year. Many of these slips are relatively inconsequential. However, slipping on ice can be more than an inconvenience. According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information; a study showed that over the past five years Canadians have been hospitalized between 5,312 and 9,121 times annually, due to slipping on ice.


Safety Starts with Salt

When uncomfortable cold winter weather conditions make for treacherous outside travel, salt can help. Using salt to maintain walkways and parking lots in response to winter snow and ice events will contribute to a dramatic reduction in slipping on ice.

Kissner Milling Co. Ltd. is committed to providing winter safety across North America, and continues to pursue that goal by supporting sensible salting. Established over 130 years ago, Kissner Milling Co. Ltd. has evolved to become a trusted market leader known for providing reliable service to an impressive list of clientele throughout North America. We have the experience and resources to be your top supplier.

How Does Salt Work?

Studies show that implementing winter maintenance programs that consist of salt usage can help clear the way for safer winter foot travel. Salting your walkways and parking lots before a storm forms a layer of brine on the pavement, greatly decreasing the formation of ice on the surface.
Pre-treating allows home and business owners to use less salt and it also makes it easier to shovel the snow off of the surfaces safely since the snow is not frozen to the pavement.Applying salt after a winter storm can be beneficial as well if all the slush is not cleared. If there is water on the walkways there could be a chance of that water re-freezing.

This is how salt helps keep walkways clear and safer for travel so that you can keep moving despite the freeze.

Contact Kissner Milling Company Ltd. today for all of your Ice Melter needs.

148 Manitou Drive, Suite 301, Kitchener, ON N2C 1L3

Phone: 1-800-434-8248 | Fax: 1-877-434-8250

